The Middle Class ‘at Home among the Poor’ - How Social Mix is Lived in Parisian Suburbs: Between Local Attachment and Metropolitan Practices


Bacqué Marie-Hélène1,Charmes Eric2,Vermeersch Stéphanie3


1. Université Paris 10; Laboratoire Architecture Ville Urbanisme Environment; Paris France

2. Université de Lyon; Laboratoire Environnement Ville Société (EVS-RIVES); Rue Maurice Audin 69518 Vaulx-en-Velin Cedex France

3. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Laboratoire Architecture Ville Urbanisme Environnement; Paris France




Urban Studies,Sociology and Political Science,Development

Reference44 articles.

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3. Comment nous sommes devenus HLM: les opérations de mixité sociale à Paris dans les années 2000;Bacqué;Espaces et Sociétés,2010

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1. Neighborhood Contexts, Family Characteristics, and Non-Cognitive Skills among Adolescents;Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment;2023-12-17

2. The effects of housing providers' diversity and tenure conversion on social mix;Cities;2023-07

3. Examining the relationship between social context and community attachment through the daily social context averaging effect;Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography;2023-04-05

4. Introducing empirically grounded types into the study of school choice;International Journal of Research & Method in Education;2022-10-17

5. Race as imagined;School Choice, Race and Social Anxiety;2021-11-05







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