The myth of being modern: Digital machines and the loss of discovery


Smuts Carson1


1. University of Pretoria Pretoria South Africa


Abstract‘Digitization’ is a logical operation that deconstructs information and transforms it into digits, rendering it a logical construct. Digital operations are fast, infinitely replicable, objective, and absolute. But digitization is not without costs: the result of operationalizing information is that it becomes abstract—disconnected from its referent, and subject to processes that alter its representation without detection. Visions of modernity that draw on the potential for digital technology to invariably raise standards of living fail to consider the intrinsic properties of the digital that tend toward replicability, speed, and scalability, which favor globalization. This article argues how, through reductive processes, the discrete, mathematical nature of the digital provides a framework for rationality and order that is fundamentally incompatible with multiple modernities. Moreover, the history of digital machines is intricately linked to education and epistemology across North America and South Africa. The mechanization of learning illustrates the promise, power, and potential consequence of digital operations; by limiting our horizons, the Modern and now the Digital, limits our ability to think, thereby concealing the destruction of society, nature, and us as a species.



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