1. Joseph Ratzinger Pilgrim Fellowship of Faith: The Church as Communion trans. Henry Taylor; ed. Stephan Otto Horn and Vinzenz Pfnur (San Francisco: Ignatius Press 2005).
2. Benedict XVI ‘Interview During the Flight to the Czech Republic (Apostolic Visit) ’ The Holy See 26 September 2009; Joseph Ratzinger and Marcello Pera Without Roots: The West Relativism Christianity Islam trans. Michael Moore (New York: Basic Books 2007) p. 80.
3. Joseph Ratzinger Fundamental Speeches from Five Decades trans. Michael J. Miller J.R. Foster and Adrian Walker (San Francisco: Ignatius Press 2012) p. 53.
4. Joseph Ratzinger A School of Prayer: The Saints Show Us How to Pray(San Francisco: Ignatius Press 2013) p. 139.
5. Joseph Ratzinger ‘The Ecclesiology of Vatican II ’ Pastoral Congress of the Diocese of Aversa (15 September 2001) section II (no page); cf. Benedict XVI Homily 9 May 2009.