1. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew London TW9 3AE UK
2. Lankester Botanical Garden University of Costa Rica P.O. Box 302‐7050 Cartago Costa Rica
3. Naturalis Biodiversity Centre Leiden CR 2333 the Netherlands
4. University of Portsmouth Portsmouth PO1 2DY UK
5. University of Puerto Rico – Rio Piedras San Juan PR 00925‐2537 USA
6. ICBiBE Universitat de València Valencia 13‐46010 Spain
7. Swiss Orchid Foundation Schönenbuch 4124 Switzerland
8. Jardín Botánico Rafael Maria Moscoso Santo Domingo 21‐9 Dominican Republic
9. Jardín Botánico Jose Celestino Mutis Bogota 111071 Colombia
10. University of Ioannina Ioannina GR 45110 Greece
11. Durham University Durham DH13LE UK
12. Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (joint venture between Parks Australia and CSIRO) GPO Box 1700 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia
13. Universidad Pontificia Javeriana Seccional Cali Cali 760031 Colombia
14. Herbarium AMO Mexico City 11000 Mexico
15. Singapore Botanic Gardens 1 Cluny Road Singapore 257494 Singapore
16. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Apartado Panama City 0843‐03092 Panama
17. Universidade Federal do Paraná Curitiba 19031 Brazil
18. Reserva Biológica Guaitil Eisenstadt 7000 Austria
19. National Research Collections Australia Commonwealth Industrial and Scientific Research Organisation (CSIRO) GPO Box 1700 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia
20. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico City 04510 Mexico
21. Australian Tropical Herbarium James Cook University GPO Box 6811 Cairns Qld 4878 Australia
22. Instituto Politécnico Nacional CIIDIR unidad Oaxaca Oaxaca 71230 Mexico
23. University of Sheffield Sheffield S10 2AH UK
24. Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana Feira de Santana 44036‐900 Brazil
25. Universidad del Valle Cali 760042 Colombia
26. Department of Environment and Agriculture Curtin University Perth WA 6102 Australia
27. Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier (Université de Montpellier|CNRS|IRD|EPHE) Place Eugène Bataillon Montpellier 34000 France
28. Scientific Research Organisation (CSIRO) GPO Box 1700 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia
29. Washington University in St. Louis St Louis MO 63130 USA
30. Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre Gothenburg 417 56 Sweden
31. University of Gothenburg Gothenburg 417 56 Sweden
32. Wuhan Botanical Garden Chinese Academy of Sciences Wuhan 430074 China
33. Department of Biology University of Oxford Oxford OX1 3SZ UK