1. American Public Works Association , 1969 . Water Pollution Aspects of Urban Runoff. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, United States Department of the Interior, Contract No. USA 66-23. Washington, D.C.
2. G. Amy, R. Pitt, R. Singh, W. L. Bradford, and M. B. LaGraffi , 1974 . Water Quality Management Planning for Urban Runoff. EPA-440/ 9-75-004, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., 247 pp.
3. M. P. Brown , 1980 . Quality Assurance Plan for Research and Monitoring of the West Branch Delaware River Model Implementation Program . New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Bureau of Water Research, Albany, New York, 17 pp.
4. M. P. Brown, and M. Rafferty , 1980 . A Historical Perspective of Phosphorus Loading to the Cannonsville Reservoir as it Relates to the West Branch Delaware River Model Implementation Program. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Technical Report No. 62. Albany, New York, 35 pp.