1. R.G. Allen, and C.E. Brockway , 1983 . Estimating Consumptive Irrigation Requirements for Crops in Idaho . Idaho Water and Energy Resources Research Institute, Moscow, Idaho, 182 pp.
2. D.M. Cosgrove , 2001 . Response Functions for the Conjunctive Management of Water in the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho. PhD Dissertation, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.
3. D.M. Cosgrove, G.S. Johnson, S. Laney, and J. Lindgren , 1999 . Description of the IDWR/UI Snake River Plain Aquifer Model . Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, 120 pp.
4. Maximizing conjunctive use of surface and ground water under surface water quality constraints
5. D.B. Frederick, and G.S. Johnson , 1996 . Estimation of Hydraulic Properties and Development of a Layered Conceptual Model for the Snake River Plain Aquifer at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho. Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, 80 pp.