1. Feasibility of Aerial Spraying of Southern Pine Seed Orchards¹
2. Y. C. Berisford, L. L. Goldner, and J. L. Hanula , 1985 . Insecticide Background Statements: Azinphosmethyl. Report submitted to U.S. Forest Service, FIPM, Atlanta, Georgia.
3. Y. C. Berisford, J. L. Hanula, and G. M. Cowie , 1985 . Insecticide Background Statements: Carbofuran. (Copies available from USDA-Forest Service from Freedom of Information Act request.)
4. Y. C. Berisford, J. L. Hanula, and G. M. Cowie , 1985 . Insecticide Background Statements: Fenvalerate. (Copies available from USDA-Forest Service from Freedom of Information Act request.)