1. Battelle Memorial Institute . 1969 . Pacific Northwest Laboratory Report Number CR.70.001, Richland, Washington, pp. 4/6-4/8Pacific Northwest Laboratory Report Number CR.70.001, Richland, Washington, pp. 4/6-4/8.
2. Battelle Memorial Institute . 1967 . Pacific Northwest Laboratory, distributed by the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information Report No. AD 666 289, Richland, Washington, pp. 4/6-4/7Pacific Northwest Laboratory, distributed by the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information Report No. AD 666 289, Richland, Washington, pp. 4/6-4/7.
3. F. R. Bellaire, 1963 . University of Michigan Great Lakes Research Division Publication No. 10, Ann Arbor, p.219 .
4. Coast and Geodetic Survey . 1969 , 1969 . Tidal Current Tables, Atlantic Coast of North America 1970. Tidal Current Tables, Atlantic Coast of North America.
5. H. J. Doebler, 1966 . U.S. Navy Underwater Sound Laboratory USL Report No. 755, New London, 78 pp.