1. Adirondack Lake Survey Corporation (ALSC) , 1984 , 1985, 1986. Annual Reports. New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Ray Brook, New York.
2. J. P. Baker, and T. B. Harvey , 1984 . Critique of Acid Lakes and Fish Population Status in the Adirondack Region of New York State. NAPAP Project E3-25, Final Report, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency200 pp.
3. D. F. Brakke, J. M. Eilers, and D. H. Landers , 1987 . Hydrologic and Chemical Characteristics of Darkwater, Clearwater, and Acidic Lakes in the United States. Proc. UNESCO-JHP Intern. Symposium on Acidification and WAter Pathways, Bolkesjo, Norway, pp.281 -290 .
4. Chemical and physical characteristics of lakes in the northeastern United States