1. J. L. Anderson, and D. F. Grigal , 1984 . Soils and Landscapes of Minnesota . Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota, 8 pp.
2. C. A. Armstrong , 1980 . Ground-Water Resources of Dickey and LaMoure Counties North Dakota. North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 28, Part III, 61 pp.
3. C. A. Armstrong , 1981 . Supplement to Predictive Modeling of Effects of the Planned Kindred Lake on Ground-Water Levels and Discharge, Southeastern North Dakota. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-646, 15 pp., plates.
4. C. A. Armstrong , 1982 . Ground Water Resources of Ransom and Sargent Counties, North Dakota, Part III. North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 69 and North Dakota Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 31, 51 pp.