1. R. W. Andrew, and G. E. Glass , 1974 . Amperometric Titration Methods for Total Residual Chloride, Ozone, and Sulfite . Draft Report, National Water Quality Laboratory, Duluth, Minnesota, 4 pp.
2. J. W. Arthur, R. W. Andrews, V. R. Mattson, D. T. Olson, B. J. Halligan, and C. T. Walbridge , 1975 . Comparative Toxicity of Sewage-Effluent Disinfection to Freshwater Aquatic Life. EPA Ecological Research Series (EPA 600/3-75-012), 61 pp.
3. W. A. Brungs , 1976 . Effects of Wastewater and Cooling Water Chlorination on Aquatic Life. U.S. EPA Ecological Research Series (EPA-600/3-76-098), 45 pp.
4. Chamber for Holding Aquatic Microinvertebrates during Toxicity Tests in a Flow-Through Diluter System