1. Scientific and technological considerations in water resources policy
2. W. J. Davis, R. H. McCuen, and G. E. Kamedulski , 1978 . The Effect of Storm Water Detention on Water Quality. International Symposium on Urban Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Sediment Control, University of Kentucky, Lexington.
3. W. H. Espey, D. G. Altman, and C. B. Graves , 1977 . Nomographs for Ten-Minute Unit Hydrographs for Small Urban Watersheds. ASCE Urban Water Resources Research Program, Technical Memorandum No. 32, New York, New York.
4. R. H. McCuen, R. L. Powell, and R. C. Sutherland , 1976 . The Relative Importance of Factors Influencing Pollution Loadings in Runoff From Urban Streets. Section 10, pp. 85-98, of Utility of Urban Runoff Modeling, M. B. McPherson, Editor, ASCE Urban Water Resources Research Program, Technical Memorandum No. 31, New York, New York.