1. E. J. Burcik , 1957 . Properties of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids . International Human Resources Development Corporation, Boston, Massachusetts, 190 pp.
2. A. S. Cate , 1961 . Stratigraphic Studies of the Silurian Rocks of Pennsylvania - Part 1 . Stratigraphic Cross Sections of Lower Devonian and Silurian Rocks in Western Pennsylvania and Adjacent Areas. Pennsylvania Geological Survey Special Bulletin SB 10, 3 pp.
3. A. S. Cate , 1962 . Subsurface Structure of the Plateau Regions of North-Central and Western Pennsylvania on Top of the Oriskany Formation. Pennsylvania Geological Survey Map 9.
4. A. S. Cate , 1965 . Stratigraphic Studies of the Silurian Rocks of Pennsylvania - Part 2 . Subsurface Maps of the Silurian Rocks of Western Pennsylvania and Adjacent Areas. Pennsylvania Geological Survey Special Bulletin SB 11, 8 pp.
5. L. J. Crain , 1974 . Ground-Water Resources of the Western Oswego River Basin, New York. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Basin Planning Report ORB-5, 137 pp.