1. Prologue to the Climate Change Convention
2. Brown , D. 2013 The climate change disinformation campaign: what kind of crime against humanity, tort, human rights violation, malfeasance, transgression, villainy, or wrongdoing is it? Part two: Is the disinformation campaign a human rights violation or a special kind of malfeasance, transgression, villainy, or wrongdoing http://blogs.law.widener.edu/climate/2013/02/04/the-climate-change-disinformation-campaign-what-kind-of-crime-against-humanity-tort-human-rights-violation-malfeasance-transgression-villainy-or-wrongdoing-is-it-part-two-is-the-disinformat/
3. Brulle , R. 2013 Institutionalizing delay: foundation funding and the creation of U.S. climate change counter-movement organization http://drexel.edu/now/archive/2013/December/Climate-Change