1. Department of Neurology; Hospital of Southern Jutland; Sønderborg Denmark
2. Institute of Regional Health Research; Center of Southern Jutland; University of Southern Denmark; Aabenraa Denmark
3. Focused Research Group in Neurology; Hospital of Southern Jutland; Aabenraa Denmark
4. Odense Patient data Exploratory Network; Odense University Hospital; Odense Denmark
5. Department of Neurology; Odense University Hospital; Odense Denmark
6. Department of Neurology; Zealand University Hospital; Roskilde Denmark
7. Department of Clinical Research; University of Southern Denmark; Odense Denmark
8. The Multiple Sclerosis Clinic of Southern Jutland; Vejle, Sonderborg, Esbjerg Denmark
9. Institute of Molecular Medicine; Neurobiological Research; University of Southern Denmark; Odense Denmark