1. 1. E Braunwald, J Isselbacher, and RG Petersdorf . Harrison's principles of internal medicine, 11th ed . New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc, 1987 : 2017 -21 .
2. 2. P Rowland . Merritt's textbook of neurology . 7th ed . Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1984 : 526 -35 .
3. 3. JB Wyngaarden, and LH Smith . Cecil textbook of medicine . 17th ed . Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co, 1985 : 2070 -74 .
4. 4. AJ Nowak . Dentistry for the handicapped patient , St Louis: CV Mosby Co, 1976 : 36 -7 .
5. 5. LF Rose, and D Kaye . Internal medicine for dentistry , St Louis: CV Mosby Co, 1983 : 812 -16 , 812 .