1. 1. American Dental Association. Principles, code of professional conduct & advisory opinions. Available from http://www.ada.org/prof/prac/law/code/principles.asp. Accessed September 28, 2008.
2. 2. American Medical Association. Informed Consent. Available from http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/4608.html. Accessed September 28, 2008.
3. 3. Wear S . Ethics Committee Core Curriculum. Informed consent University of Buffalo Center for Clinical Ethics and Humanities in Health Care. Available from http://wings/buffalo.edu/faculty/research/bioethics/man-infc.html. Accessed February 17, 2006.
4. 4. Burtner P . Oral health care for persons with disabilities. Providing dental care general management considerations. Informed consent. An online course. Available from http://www.dental.ufl.edu/faculty/Pburtner/Disabilities/english/cconsent.htm. Accessed February 12, 2006.
5. 5. Southern Association of Institutional Dentists. Managing maladaptive behaviors -the use of dental restraints and positioning devices. Self-Study Course; Module 6:1-24. Available from http://www.saiddent.org/modules/14_module6.pdf. Accessed September 28, 2008.