Bhutanese Refugee Youth: The Importance of Assessing and Addressing Psychosocial Needs in a School Setting


Cardeli Emma1,Phan Jenny2,Mulder Luna3,Benson Molly4,Adhikari Radha5,Ellis B. Heidi6


1. Research Associate and Attending Psychologist, (, Department of Psychiatry, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA; Instructor, Harvard Medical School, Refugee Trauma and Resilience Center, 21 Autumn Street, Boston, MA 02215. USA

2. Graduate Student in Clinical Psychology, (, Psychology Department, Loyola University Chicago, 1000 W. Sheridan Rd, Coffey Hall, Chicago, IL 60626. USA

3. Psychologist, (, Department of Psychiatry, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA; Instructor, Harvard Medical School, Refugee Trauma & Resilience Center, 21 Autumn Street, Boston, MA 02115. USA

4. Attending Psychologist, (, Department of Psychiatry, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA; Assistant Professor (Part‐time), Harvard Medical School, Refugee Trauma & Resilience Center, P.O. Box 1384, Concord, MA 01742. USA

5. Outpatient Clinician and Community Support Program Worker, (, Behavioral Health Network, 1504 Galena St, Aurora, CO 80010. USA

6. Director, (, Refugee Trauma and Resilience Center, Department of Psychiatry, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA; Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School21 Autumn St. Boston, MA 02215. USA




Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Philosophy,Education

Reference68 articles.

1. Refugee Processing Center2018Worldwide Refugee Admissions Processing System (WRAPS). Refugee Arrivals From January 1 2007 through February 2 2016 Nationality of Bhutan. Arrivals by State and Nationality. Available at:‐and‐arrivals/. Accessed June 30 2019.

2. An Investigation into Suicides Among Bhutanese Refugees Resettled in the United States Between 2008 and 2011

3. “Solving Tension”: coping among Bhutanese refugees in Nepal

4. Discrimination and mental health among Somali refugee adolescents: The role of acculturation and gender.

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