1. University of Oulu; Department of Ecology and Genetics; P.O. Box 3000 FI-90014 Finland
2. Department of Physiological Diversity; Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ; Permoserstr. 15 Leipzig 04318 Germany
3. German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig; Deutscher Platz 5e Leipzig D-04103 Germany
4. Metsähallitus; P.O. Box 94 FI-01301 Vantaa Finland
5. Ruuhikoskenkatu; 17 B 5 FI-20240 Salo Finland
6. Finnish Environment Institute, Natural Environment Centre; University of Oulu; P.O. Box 413 FI-90014 Finland