1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. OPTN/UNOS Board approves updated liver distribution system. December 4 2018.https://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/news/optnunos-board-approves-updated-liver-distribution-system/. Accessed March 23 2019.
2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.Organ Transplantation: Issues and Recommendations. April 1986. Washington DC.
3. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Ethical Principles in the Allocation of Human Organs. Reviewed and Updated in June 2015.https://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/resources/ethics/ethical-principles-in-the-allocation-of-human-organs/. Accessed March 23 2019.
4. CruzW JacksonS McNeillD NourseR TorresL WaltoMV.United States Department of Health and Human Services. Case 1:18‐cv‐06371‐UA. Filed 07/13/18.https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/OrgansHHS.pdf. Accessed March 23 2019.
5. OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors Meeting. December 3 2018.https://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/media/2767/board_liver_discussion_transcript_201812.pdf. Accessed March 26 2019.