Faster Edge‐Path Bundling through Graph Spanners


Wallinger Markus1,Archambault Daniel2,Auber David3,Nöllenburg Martin1,Peltonen Jaakko4


1. TU Wien Vienna Austria

2. Swansea University Swansea UK

3. University of Bordeaux Bordeaux France

4. Tampere University Tampere Finland


AbstractEdge‐Path bundling is a recent edge bundling approach that does not incur ambiguities caused by bundling disconnected edges together. Although the approach produces less ambiguous bundlings, it suffers from high computational cost. In this paper, we present a new Edge‐Path bundling approach that increases the computational speed of the algorithm without reducing the quality of the bundling. First, we demonstrate that biconnected components can be processed separately in an Edge‐Path bundling of a graph without changing the result. Then, we present a new edge bundling algorithm that is based on observing and exploiting a strong relationship between Edge‐Path bundling and graph spanners. Although the worst case complexity of the approach is the same as of the original Edge‐Path bundling algorithm, we conduct experiments to demonstrate that the new approach is 5256 times faster than Edge‐Path bundling depending on the dataset, which brings its practical running time more in line with traditional edge bundling algorithms.


Academy of Finland

UK Research and Innovation

Technische Universität Wien Bibliothek




Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design

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