1. AFGE Application for Review before the Federal Labor Relations Authority 2010 Case WA-RP-10-0033 and WA-RP-10-0036
2. AFGE Weekly Organizer Reports January-April 2011
3. AFL-CIO Membership Report 2011 AFL-CIO Membership Report, AFL-CIO Executive Council Meeting, March 2011 http://op.bna.com/dlrcases.nsf/id/mamr-8emrgw/$File/aflmember2010.pdf
4. AFL-CIO Press Release 2006 Statement by AFL-CIO President John Sweeney and AFGE President John Gage on the ILO's Recommendation to Give TSA Workers the Right to Organize http://www.aflcio.org/mediacenter/prsptm/pr11152006.cfm
5. Bollen , P. 2000 Great Labor Quotations: Sourcebook and Reader Red Eye Reference