1. INSERM U-1100 “Centre d'Etude des Pathologies Respiratoires”; Tours France
2. Université François Rabelais; Tours France
3. Comprehensive Pneumology Center; Institute of Lung Biology and Disease (iLBD); German Center for Lung Research (DZL); Munich Germany
4. Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology; Planegg-Martinsried Germany
5. Faculty of Chemistry; University of Gdansk; Gdansk Poland
6. Service de Génétique Médicale; Hôpital Pellegrin; CHU Bordeaux; France
7. Centre de Référence des Anomalies du Développement Embryonnaire; Bordeaux France
8. INSERM U-1211; Laboratoire Maladies Rares: Génétique et Métabolisme; Université de Bordeaux; France
9. Birmingham Children's Hospital; UK
10. University of Colorado Denver; Aurora CO USA
11. Metropolitan Hospital Center; Medical Genetics Clinic; New York NY USA
12. Bone Joint and Connective Tissue Disease Research Center (BJCRC); Department of Rheumatology; Faculty of Medicine; Golestan University of Medical Sciences; Gorgan Iran
13. Centre de Référence pour les Maladies Rares de la Peau; Service de Dermatologie Adulte et Pédiatrique; CHU de Bordeaux and INSERM U-1035; University of Bordeaux; France
14. Biotechnology Division; Biomedical Research Foundation; Academy of Athens; Greece
15. Department of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprosy; Sri Siddhartha Medical College; Tumkur India
16. Department of Medical Genetics; University of Szeged; Hungary
17. MTA SZTE Dermatological Research Group; University of Szeged; Hungary
18. Department of Dermatology and Allergology; University of Szeged; Hungary
19. Department of Periodontology; Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt; Germany
20. Department of Clinical Sciences; Università Politecnica delle Marche; Ancona Italy
21. Centre for Nutrition & Health; Universidad Europea del Atlantico; Santander Spain
22. Department of Prosthetic; College of Dentistry; King Saud University; Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
23. Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology; School of Stomatology; The Fourth Military Medical University; Xi'an Shaanxi China
24. Department of Periodontology; PLA 309 Hospital; Beijing China
25. ReproPharm; Centre INRA-Val de Loire; Domaine de l'Orfrasière; Nouzilly France
26. Department of Cardiac Surgery; Heidelberg University Hospital; Germany
27. University of Birmingham; Edgbaston UK
28. Division of Pediatric Nephrology; Department of Pediatrics; School of Medicine; Dokuz Eylül University; İzmir Turkey