1. 1Kikuchi, H. 1994. EHD and EMHD Transport processes in dusty and dirty Plasmas.inDusty and Dirty Plasmas, Noise, and Chaos in Space and in the Laboratory. ed. by H. Kikuchi. Plenum, New York: 139-148.
2. 2Kikuchi, H. 1994. Electric reconnection and chaos in dusty and dirty plasmas.inDusty and Dirty Plasmas, Noise, and Chaos in Space and in the Laboratory. ed. by H. Kikuchi. Plenum, New York: 535-544.
3. Roles of dust or object perturbing an electric cusp in electric reconnection and consequent electric discharge or lightning
4. 4Landau, L.D. & E.M. Lifshitz. 1987. Fluid Mechanics (2nd edition). Pergamon Press, Oxford: 45; 192-194.
5. 5Landau, L.D. & E.M. Lifshitz. 1984. Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (2nd edition). Pergamon Press, Oxford: 62; 127; 260-263; 225-230.