History and Philosophy of Science,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Neuroscience
Reference28 articles.
1. 1Hoeber, R. 1910. Eine Methode die elektrische Leitfaehigkeit im Innern von Zellen zu messen. Arch. Ges. Physiol.133:237-259; 1912. Ein zweites Verfahren die Leitfaehigkeit im Innern von Zellen zu messen. Arch. Ges. Physiol.148:189-221; 1913. Messungen der inneren Leitfaehigkeit von Zellen III. Arch. Ges. Physiol.150:15-45. These articles were the first to determine internal cell conductivities. They furthermore established the existence of the beta-dispersion and membranes by demonstrating the difference between low- and high-frequency conductivity values.
2. 2Cole, K. S. 1968. Membranes, Ions, and Impulses. University of California Press. Berkeley/Los Angeles. This is an often-quoted detailed reference to the cellular work done by Fricke, Cole, Curtis, and Schwan and the important extension to the nonlinear level leading to the Hodgkin-Huxley equations.
3. 3Schwan, H. P. 1957. Electrical properties of tissue and cell suspensions.InAdvances in Biological and Medical Physics. Vol. 5, p. 147-209. Academic Press. New York. This often-quoted review summarizes dispersion principles, mechanisms, and dielectric data for biological matter.
4. 4Grant, E. H., R. J. Sheppard & G. P. South. 1978. Dielectric Behavior of Biological Molecules in Solution. Oxford University Press (Clarendon). London/New York. This and the following reference concentrate on macromolecular dielectric phenomena.
5. 5Takashima, S. 1989. Electrical Properties of Biopolymers and Membranes. Adam Hilger. Bristol/Philadelphia.
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37 articles.