1. Observation of B0-B0 mixing
2. Notes on the observability of CP violations in B decays
3. 3. The table was developed during the 1987 Berkeley SSC Workshop. SeeK. J. Foley, R. Donaldson, and M. G. D. Gilchriese, 1988 . InProceedings of the Workshop on Experiments, Detectors, and Experimental Areas for the SuperCollider, July 7-17, 1987, Berkeley, California . 701 -727 . Singapore: World Scientific.
4. 4. G. Feldman, 1989 . Report of theBFactory Group: I. Physics and Techniques (LBL-26790) and Report of theB-Factory Group: II Accelerator Technology (LBL-26791). To be published in the Proceedings of the Snowmass 88 Summer Study: High Energy Physics in the 1990s, June 27-July 15, 1988.