1. 2. K. V. Steinbrugge, E. E. Schader, H. C. Biggleston, and C. A. Weers. 1971 . San Fernando EarthquakeFebruary 9, 1971. Pacific Fire Rating Bureau. San Francisco, CA.
2. 4. A. Cajina, 1972 . The Managua earthquake and its effects on the water supply system. InProceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Conference. Vol. 2: 768-790. Oakland, CA.
3. 5. J. F. Mahan, H. J. Dekenkolb, D. F. Maron, and K. V. Steinbrugge. 1973 . Engineering aspects . Managua, Nicaragua Earthquake of December 23, 1972. Reconnaissance Report: 27 -214 . EERI. Berkeley, CA.