1. 1. C. Maltoni, and G. Lefemine. 1974 . Carcinogenicity bioassays of vinyl chloride: current results. This monograph.
2. 2. R. Lillis, H. Anderson, W. J. Nicholson, S. Daum, A. S. Fischbein, and I. J. Selikoff. 1974 . Prevalence of disease among vinyl chloride and polyvlnyl chloride workers. This monograph.
3. 3. G. Veltman, C.E. Lange, S. Juhe, G. Stein, and U. Bachner. 1974 . Clinical manifestations and course of vinyl chloride disease. This monograph.
4. 4. I. Suciu, L. Prodan, E. Ilea, A. Paduraru, and L. Pascu. 1974 . Clinical manifestations in vinyl chloride poisoning. This monograph.
5. 5. J. L. Creech, and L. Makk. 1974 . Liver disease among polyvinyl chloride production workers. This monograph.