1. 1. L.W. Beineke, and F. Harary , The decomposition of complete graphs into planar subgraphs . Chapter 4 in Graph Theory and Theoretical Physics (, ed.) Academic Press, London, 1967 , pp.139 -154 .
2. 2. L.W. Beineke, and F. Harary , Complete bipartite graphs: decomposition into planar subgraphs . Chapter 7 in A Seminar in Graph Theory (, ed.) Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1967 , pp.42 -53 .
3. 3. L.W. Beineke, G. T. Chartrand, and S. F. Kapoor , A survey of packings and coverings of graphs, The Many Facets of Graph Theory (, eds.) Springer - Verlag,New York, 1969 , pp.45 -53 .