1. 1. L. J. VanNice, and H. J. Carpenter. 1965 . Thermal radiation from Saturn fireballs. TRW Systems Report No. 2112-6001-T0000, Volumes I and II for Task ASPO-24 of Contract NAS 9-4810. (December 15, 1965.).
2. 2. J. B. Gayle, 1964 . Investigation of S-IV all systems vehicle explosion. NASA TM X-53039. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. (April 27, 1964.).
3. 3. A. B. Wjlloughby, 1966 . Monthly Project PYRO progress report, NASA/Defense P. O. No. H-61465, for the period ending 31 May 1966. URS 652-15 by URS Corporation. (June 3, 1966.).
4. The flow into an expanding spherical vortex
5. 5. H. Lamb, 1932 . Hydrodynamics : 165 . Cambridge University Press. New York, N. Y.