1. 1. N. D. HAM, and M. I. YOUNG . 1966 . Torsional oscillation of helicopter blades due to stall. Journal of Aircraft (AIAA) May-June.
2. 2. J. M. DREES, 1967 . Aero-elastic rotor problems. N.Y. Acad. Sci. This Monograph.
3. 3. E. S. CARTER, 1967 . Survey of rotary wing handling qualities. N.Y. Acad. Sci. This Monograph.
4. 4. F. H. DEAN, P. C. PRAGER, and J. J. SCHNEIDER . 1967 . Feasibility Study of Cruise Fan Propulsion Systems and Associated Power Transfer Systems for Compound/ Composite Aircraft. USA AVLABS Technical Report 67-28.
5. 5. F. P. McCOURT, 1966 . Safe Fuel-U.S. Army Fire Hazard R&D Activities. U.S. Army AVLABS Report.