1. 1. J. S. Bennett, and R. S. Engelmore., 1979 . SACON: a knowledge-based consultant for structural analysis. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence: 47-49. IJCAI. Tokyo, Japan. (Also Win. Kaufmann. Los Altos, Calif.).
2. Dendral and meta-dendral: Their applications dimension
3. 3. W. J. Clancey, 1979 . Transfer of rule-based expertise through a tutorial dialog . Ph.D. Thesis . Computer Science Department. Stanford, Calif. (Also Stanford University Computer Science Report 79-769.).
4. 5. D. Lenat, 1976 . AM: an artificial intelligence approach to discovery in mathematics as heuristics search . Ph.D. Thesis . Computer Science Department. Stanford University. Stanford, Calif.