1. Physics of Intermediate Vector Bosons
2. 2. G. Sauvage, J. Schacher, and UA2 Collaboration. 1983 Latest results from the UA2 experiment at the CERN pp Collider. InProcedings of the International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brighton, July 1983, p.472 ; Clark, A. G. 1983. Results from the UA2 experiment at the CERN pp Collider.InProceedings of the 1983 International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies, Cornell, August 1983, p. 53.
3. 4. B Mansoulie. 1983, The UA2 apparatus at the CERN pp Collider . InProceedings of the Third Moriond Workshop on pp Physics, p.609 . Editions Frontieres. France.
4. 5. M. Dialinas, 1983 The vertex detector of the UA2 experiment. LAL-RT/83-14.