1. See Wiggins David K. “The Play of Slave Children in the Plantation Communities of the Old South, 1820–1860,“ in Hawes Hiner and ed., Growing Up in America, 175.
2. Hanawalt Barbara Growing Up in Medieval London (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993); Shahar Shulamith Childhood in the Middle Ages (New York: Routledge, 1990).
3. Thorne Barrie Gender Play: Girls and Boys at School (Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1993).
4. Mechling Jay “Advice to Historians on Advice to Mothers,“ Journal of Social History 9 (Fall 1975): 44–63.
5. See Julia Grant on this point, “A ‘Real Boy’ and not a Sissy: Gender, Childhood, and Masculinity, 1890-1940? Journal of Social History (Summer 2004): 829–852.