1. 1. Loewenthal J. Gordon-Taylor Memorial Oration: Sidere Mutato. Aust. NZ J. Surg. 1967; 37: 1−16.
2. 2. Hobsley M. Sir Gordon Gordon-Taylor: a biography and an appreciation. J. Med. Biogr. 1993; 1: 83−9.
3. 3. Cook J. Arms and the Man. Gordon-Taylor Memorial Lecture. Edinburgh: Royal College of Surgeons, 1983. Unpublished.
4. 4. Anonymous. Society Report. Trephine (Journal of the University of Queensland Medical Society) 1947; II (2): 143.
5. 5. Arnold M. The scholar gypsy. In: Rhys E (ed) The Golden Treasury of Longer Poems. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1939.