1. Plastic and Reconstrutive Surgery Warrnambool Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Warrnambool Victoria Australia
AbstractBackgroundIn 2021, breast cancer was one of the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia. While a mastectomy remains a treatment of choice, only a small percentage of women have access to a breast reconstruction after. Women living in a rural area are less likely to have a breast reconstruction; compared to their metropolitan counterparts. This study analyses the impact of single breast reconstruction service on a Modified Monash 3 (MM3) region and informs consumers and providers of the importance of a breast reconstruction unit embedded in a rural health network. [Corrections added on 2 May 2023, after online publication. Expanded reference citations have been deleted from Abstract section.]MethodsFollowing ethics approval, all 64 patients who had undergone a breast reconstruction with this service between 2017 and 2021 were contacted. Patient reported outcomes were recorded through phone interviews, using a standardized questionnaire. For each patient that presented to the rural centre, cost of travel and productivity loss were also calculated, and compared to the closest metropolitan centre.ResultNinety‐seven percent of the 38 participants strongly valued having a breast reconstruction service within their community. Eighty percent of participants were satisfied with their result. Patients were estimated to save on average $8478, by attending the rural breast reconstruction service.ConclusionAccess to a breast reconstruction is significantly impacted by geographical barriers. A rural breast reconstruction service can improve patient access and satisfaction, while also reducing the financial burden on patients.