1. anon. (1951 ).-Rep. Commonw. scient. ind. Res. Org. Aust. , 1951.
2. anon. (1957 ).-Proceedings of the Commonwealth and State Entomologists Conference, May, 1957 . Commonw. scient. ind. Res. Org., Melbourne, 1958 (for limited circulation only).
3. anon. (1957 ).-World Health Organisation, Expert Committee on Insecticides. 7th Rep.Wld Hlth Org. techn. Rep. Ser.125 .
4. anon. (1959 ).-Seminar on Insect Resistance to Insecticides. June, 1959 . Commonw. scient. ind. Res. Org. , Canberra.