1. Plant Ecology; Albrecht von Haller Institute for Plant Sciences; Georg August University of Göttingen; Untere Karspüle 2 37073 Göttingen Germany
2. Cartography; GIS and Remote Sensing; Institute of Geography; Georg August University of Göttingen; Goldschmidtstraße 5 37077 Göttingen Germany
3. Agroecology; Mongolian University of Life Sciences; Zaisan Khan-Uul District 53 17024 Ulan Bator Mongolia
4. Botany; Institute of General and Experimental Biology; Mongolian Academy of Sciences; Zhukov Street 77 13330 Ulan Bator Mongolia
5. Geography and Geoecology; Mongolian Academy of Sciences; Baruun Selbe 15 Chingeltei District 15170 Ulan Bator Mongolia
6. Functional Ecology; Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences; Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg; 26111 Oldenburg Germany