1. Whole School Whole Community Whole Child (WSCC). cdc.gov. 2021. Available at:https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/wscc/index.htm. Accessed October 10 2021.
2. Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Ed.gov. Available at:https://www.ed.gov/essa?src=ft. Accessed October 10 2021.
3. Chriqui J Stuart‐CasselV Piekarz‐PorterE et al.Using state policy to create healthy schools: Coverage of the Whole School Whole Community Whole Child Framework in state statutes and regulations school year 2017‐2018. The Institute of Health Research and Policy; 2019. Available at:https://wwwchildtrendsorg/wp‐content/uploads/2019/01/WSCCStatePolicyReportSY2017‐18_ChildTrends_January2019pdf. Accessed June 6 2021.