1. 84. See Verweij, , supra note 34, at 188–189.
2. 88. See Tollison, and Wagner, , supra note 80, at 49.
3. 13. See Goodin, , supra note 8, at 61.
4. 56. However, while noting that 70 percent of American servicemen who were addicted to heroine in Vietnam gave up the habit upon returning to the United States, Goodin posited that “the test of addictiveness is not impossibility but rather difficulty of withdrawal.” See Goodin, , supra note 8, at 25.
5. 71. Verweij, M. , “Tobacco Discouragement: A Non-Paternalistic Argument,” in supra note 34, at 182–183 (noting that paternalistic interventions may be justified in certain circumstances such as when there are public interests or concerns at issue.)