Hands On/Hands Off: Why Health Care Professionals Depend on Families but Keep Them at Arm's Length


Levine Carol,Zuckerman Connie


In the theater the fictional Dr. Kelekian’s relief that he does not have to talk to family members about his patient’s cancer treatment draws uneasy laughter from the audience. Doctors, patients, and family members alike recognize the situation, even if hearing it so baldly expressed discomfits them.Why do physicians and other health care professionals, including lawyers and bioethicists, so often view families as “trouble”? And why do families so often see medical professionals as uncaring and uncommunicative? Presumably everyone wants the same goal—recovery or the best possible outcome for the patient. And yet trouble clearly exists. We do not see the problem as one of “dysfunctional families” or “callous doctors,” although there are undoubtedly many of each.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Health Policy,General Medicine,Issues, ethics and legal aspects

Reference71 articles.

1. “The Economic Value of Informal Caregiving,”;Arno;Health Affairs,1999

2. “Is Economic Hardship on the Families of the Seriously Ill Associated with Patient and Surrogate Care Preferences?”;Covinsky;Archives of Internal Medicine,1996

3. 25. Quoted in Anders, G. , “Who Pays Cost of Cut-Rate Heart Care?” Wall Street Journal, October 15, 1996: At B10.

4. 15. Waltman, R.E. , “Turn Patients' Next-of-Kin into Partners, Not Adversaries,” Medical Economics, August 11, 1997: 81–92.

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