1. 21. For a general description of concerns surrounding the health, social and economic impacts of nanotechnology see: Luther, W. , “Industrial Application of Nanomaterials: Chances and Risks—Technological Analyses,” (2004) available at (last visited August 8, 2006); Mark, D. , Report of Presentations from First International Symposium on Occupational Health Implications of Nanomaterials, Nanomaterials a Risk to Health at Work? (2004) available at (last visited August 8, 2006); Heath and Consumer Protection Directorate General of the European Commission, “Nanotechnologies: A Preliminary Risk Analysis,” (2004) available at (last visited August 8, 2006); SwissRE, “Nanotechnology: Small Matter, Many Unknowns,” available for download at (last visited August 8, 2006).
2. 7. See Bailey, R. , “Rebels Against the Future,” Reason Online, available at (last visited August 7, 2006).
3. A little knowledge...
4. 20. The United States has also severely restricted private-sector research and development into atomic energy. Atomic Energy Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2011–2281 (2005).
5. 16. Moratoria, though, present additional risks in themselves: Although they may prevent the foreseeable development of dangerous or unethical technologies, they may also prevent the unforeseeable development of extremely useful and beneficial innovations.