1. 26. Pearson, G. S. , The UN Secretary-General's High Level Panel: Biological Weapons Related Issues (Strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention, Review Conference Paper No. 14) (May 2005).
2. 10. World Health Organization, Review and Approval of Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations: Proposal by the Chair, A/IHR/IGWG/2/2 (January 24, 2005).
3. 32. See UN Secretary-General, Press Release, World Health Assembly's Revised Regulations “Bold and Necessary Step” to Protect Global Public Health, Says Secretary-General (May 23, 2005) SG/SM/9886, SAG/365.
4. 12. World Health Organization and World Trade Organization, WTO Agreements & Public Health: A Joint Study by the WHO and the WTO Secretariat (Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2002).