1. 15. See President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Deciding to Forego Life-Sustaining Treatment, 1983, p. 446.
2. 9. The five hospitals were all private, not-for-profit, general hospitals. Four of the five were teaching hospitals. Of those four, three (hospitals A, B, and D) had between 250 beds and one (hospital E) had over 500 beds. One of the four (hospital B) was a religiously affiliated hospital. The fifth hospital (hospital C) was a non-teaching hospital with between 100 and 250 beds. Letters refer to the designation in Table 17.
3. 2. The Act was amended and as of July 1, 1990 all nursing homes in the state must establish such committees or participate in a multi-institutional committee with a hospital or other nursing homes. Md. Health Gen. Code Ann. Sec. 19 – 374(F).
4. 14. This figure is based on a 1985 survey conducted by the American Hospital Association.
5. 10. The sample of attending physicians was taken from all medical staff.