Non-Consensual Treatment is (Nearly Always) Morally Impermissible


Cherry Mark J.


The goal of my comments regarding the case study of Eve Hyde — presented in the introduction of this symposium — is not first and foremost to resolve the conflict between individual autonomy and medical paternalism regarding non-consensual psychiatric treatment. Instead, the goal is to step back far enough from what is generally accepted as the morally appropriate basis for non-consensual psychiatric treatment, including involuntary hospitalization and medication, and to ask very basic questions about when patients may permissibly be treated without their consent. My goal, in short, is Socratic — to explore aspects of what we take for granted in order better to determine whether we ought to take them for granted. Commentators routinely urge that it is morally permissible forcibly to treat psychiatric patients, such as Eve Hyde, in order to preserve the patient’s best interests and restore the patient’s autonomy. Such arguments typically specify duties of beneficence toward others, while appreciating personal autonomy as a positive value to be weighed against other factors.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Health Policy,General Medicine,Issues, ethics and legal aspects

Reference45 articles.

1. 27. Rogers 478 F. Supp. at 1361 and 1367.

2. Serious criminal offending and mental disorder

3. Psychiatrists and Compulsion: A Map of Ethics

4. 2. Slater v. Baker and Stapleton, 95 Eng. Rep. 860, 2 Wils. K.B. 359 (1767).

Cited by 9 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Subsequent Consent and Blameworthiness;HEC Forum;2020-03-28

2. The Right to Refuse Treatment for Infectious Disease;Ethics and Drug Resistance: Collective Responsibility for Global Public Health;2020

3. Involuntary Civil Commitment for Substance Use Disorder: Legal Precedents and Ethical Considerations for Social Workers;Social Work in Public Health;2017-06-15

4. Mental Capacity of Adult Patients in Health Care;Handbook of the Philosophy of Medicine;2017

5. Coercion in Forensic Healthcare: A North American Perspective;The Use of Coercive Measures in Forensic Psychiatric Care;2016







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