Toward a Duty to Report Clinical Trials Accurately: The Clinical Alert and beyond


Glass Kathleen Cranley


Advances in medicine depend not only on the generation of information but also on its dissemination. Clinically relevant data must be transmitted to the practitioners who will use it. Health care professionals in North America are aware of their ethical and legal obligations to inform patients adequately concerning interventions and treatments so that they may make informed choices about medical care. This obligation has been well described and defined by the courts and in the literature of medicine, ethics, and law. But do investigators and others who are responsible for disseminating information have any obligation to divulge adequately the results of clinical trials to practitioners so that the latter might offer the choice of appropriate care to their patients? Can incomplete disclosure of trial outcomes result in harm to patients? If this is the case, what possible avenues are available to avoid such harm?


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Health Policy,General Medicine,Issues, ethics and legal aspects

Reference97 articles.

1. 73. Fleming, , supra note 43, at 564.

2. 47. Giesen, , supra note 43, at 80.

3. 71. Id.

4. “Guidelines for Statistical Reporting in Articles for Medical Journals,”;Bailar;Ann. Intern. Med.,1988

5. 66. Fleming, , supra note 43, at 173.

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