1. These charges are unfounded. Consider them seriatim. The charge of embezzlement rests on an anecdotal report in which an ethics committee member is alleged to have embezzled from a charitable organization (see Scofield, , supra note 1, at 105). The charge of sexual misconduct is based on the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) 1992 expulsion of the psychiatrist, Charles Culver, a well-known writer on psychiatric ethics, for violating the APA code of ethics' prohibition against having sexual relations with patients. Neither of these allegations offers evidence of abuse of the role of ethics consultant; i.e., the alleged abuses — the embezzler's violation of the law, Culver's abuse of the psychiatrist-patient relationship — were not abuses conducted by someone playing the role of clinical ethics consultant. In each case, moreover, a single allegation is held to indict the entire field of clinical ethics consultation. There was not in 1998, nor is there now, any evidence of wide-spread abuse of trust or of power on the part of clinical ethics consultants or of hospital ethics committee members.
2. 4. Id., at 100.
3. 30. See Baker, , supra note 11, at Table 3.1.
4. 18. Id. (American Society for Bioethics and Humanities), at 1.
5. WhatIsMedical Ethics Consultation?