Mangrove blue carbon stocks and dynamics are controlled by hydrogeomorphic settings and land‐use change


Sasmito Sigit D.12ORCID,Sillanpää Mériadec34,Hayes Matthew A.5ORCID,Bachri Samsul6,Saragi‐Sasmito Meli F.2,Sidik Frida7,Hanggara Bayu B.2,Mofu Wolfram Y.8,Rumbiak Victor I.8,Hendri 8,Taberima Sartji6,Suhaemi 9,Nugroho Julius D.8,Pattiasina Thomas F.9,Widagti Nuryani7,Barakalla 10,Rahajoe Joeni S.11,Hartantri Heru11,Nikijuluw Victor10,Jowey Rina N.8,Heatubun Charlie D.81213,Ermgassen Philine14,Worthington Thomas A.15,Howard Jennifer16,Lovelock Catherine E.17,Friess Daniel A.3,Hutley Lindsay B.1ORCID,Murdiyarso Daniel218


1. Research Institute for Environment and Livelihoods Charles Darwin University Casuarina NT Australia

2. Center for International Forestry Research Bogor Indonesia

3. Department of Geography National University of Singapore Singapore Singapore

4. Research DepartmentGreen Forest Product and Tech. Pte. Ltd. Singapore Singapore

5. Australian Rivers Institute – Coast and Estuaries Griffith University Gold Coast Qld Australia

6. Faculty of Agriculture University of Papua Manokwari Indonesia

7. Institute for Marine Research and ObservationMinistry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Perancak, Bali Indonesia

8. Faculty of Forestry University of Papua Manokwari Indonesia

9. Faculty of Fisheries University of Papua Manokwari Indonesia

10. Conservation International Indonesia Jakarta Indonesia

11. Research Centre for Biology Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Cibinong Indonesia

12. Research and Development Agency Provincial Government of Papua Barat Manokwari Indonesia

13. Royal Botanic Gardens Richmond UK

14. Changing Oceans Group School of Geosciences University of Edinburgh Edinburgh UK

15. Department of Zoology University of Cambridge Cambridge UK

16. Conservation International Arlington VA USA

17. School of Biological Sciences The University of Queensland St. Lucia Qld Australia

18. Department of Geophysics and Meteorology IPB University Bogor Indonesia


United States Agency for International Development

Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit




General Environmental Science,Ecology,Environmental Chemistry,Global and Planetary Change







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