1. Department of Community Ecology UFZ‐Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Theodor‐Lieser‐Str. 4 Halle (Saale) D‐06120 Germany
2. Institute of Biology/Geobotany and Botanical Garden, Martin Luther University Halle‐Wittenberg, Am Kirchtor 1 Halle 06108 Germany
3. German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle‐Jena‐Leipzig, Puschstrasse 4 Leipzig 04103 Germany
4. Institute of Biology, Leipzig University, Puschstrasse 4 Leipzig 04103 Germany
5. Yanshan Earth Critical Zone and Surface Fluxes Research Station College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049 China
6. State Key Laboratory of Mycology Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China
7. College of Life Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China
8. Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering Technical University of Munich, Am Coulombwall 3 Garching 85748 Germany
9. CAS Centre for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100101 China