1. Department of Soil Ecology; UFZ-Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research; Halle (Saale) Germany
2. Department of Bio- and Environmental Sciences; Technical University Dresden - International Institute (IHI) Zittau; Zittau Germany
3. Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology (Zoology III); University of Würzburg, Field Station Fabrikschleichach; Würzburg Germany
4. Biotechnology Center - Deep Sequencing Group - SFB655; Technical University Dresden; Dresden Germany
5. Department of Conservation and Research; Bavarian Forest National Park; Grafenau Germany
6. Department of Ecology and Ecosystem management; Technical University of Munich, Chair for Terrestrial Ecology; Freising Germany
7. German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv); Leipzig Germany
8. Julius Kühn-Institute, Institute for National and International Plant Health; Braunschweig Germany